نوع فایل:PDF
تعداد صفحات :12
سال انتشار : 1395
Charging node is a kind of activity which become so difficult by densedeployment and regulatory nature of wireless sensor network. Thelifetime of the network and initial parameters are improved byclustering to facilitate the evaluation of wireless sensor networkperformance. According to the network lifetime, the best protocol incomparison to each other will be provided by presenting a famous andwell known protocol and also qualitative assessment criteria and theprotocol analysis in wireless sensor network will be reviewed. Forclustering in wireless sensor networks, the qualitative criterion shouldbe evaluated by a multi criteria definition. A protocol preference and aprotocol with a better cluster constitution result in a good criterion toexpand the lifetime of the network. For extending the WSN lifetime, thebest protocol should be selected to combine the multi criteria decisiontechniques such as fuzzy TOPSIS, that is the aim of this paper
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