نوع فایل:PDF
تعداد صفحات :7
سال انتشار : 1395
In this paper it has been attempted to investigate the lack of attention to how specific spatial characteristics of thechildren except existing places such as nurseries. In order to achieve the standard center to faster childrenunderstanding their mentality is the first issue that must be studied. Exploring the spiritual characteristics andcomplex ities of children can not be possible except in accordance with the different aspects and background of theirgrowth in variouse age periods. In order to achieving the standard center for fostering children, the first issue thatmust be studied understands their mentality. Exploring the spiritual qualities and complexities of children are notprovided except in accordance with the characteristics and their different growth backgrounds in different ageperiods. According to previous researches game or playing is the most important activity that helps children tocommunicate and educate and sometimes therapy in specific fields. Investigating game as a proper way to train, thevariety of games, the various kind of play environment and how to treat some abnormalities thereby are the issuesdiscussed in recent research. Another consideration concerns the importance of artistic activities among childrenwhich is very evident in studying identification of their abnormalities. At the end of this study after investigating howto understand child and communicate with him/her, aiming to recognize Specific spatial characteristics for bettertraining children , The physical and physiological criteria and characteristics is Reviewed and ends up to a list ofrequired spaces and dimensional characteristic of spaces and needed childrens equipment.
واژگان کلیدی
Children, Space, Interior design, Development, Growth
مبلغ قابل پرداخت 6,900 تومان
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