نوع فایل :PDF
تعداد صفحات :10
سال انتشار :1395
Integration of wind units into power system introduce various sourcesof technical and economical challenges to operation of power systemdue to its inherent uncertainty and variability. In operation of powersystem, stochastic wind generation can affect on the system security. Inthis paper, optimal security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) inpresence of demand response program (DR) based on stochastic windgeneration is proposed as a novel method of SCUC to address thementioned concern. In order to secure system from stochastic windgeneration, the SCUC results have to be valid for most probable windgeneration scenarios. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integerprogramming (MIP) and solved using Benders decomposition whichimplemented using GAMS software (CPLEX solver). The results ofapplying proposed method on IEEE six-bus test system show that theproposed method can successfully find the optimal SCUC whichsatisfied all constraints while is secure against variations in windgeneration..
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