نوع فایل :PDF
تعداد صفحات :14
سال انتشار :1395
In this paper a comprehensive model for optimally operating amicrogrid has been presented. By managing the demands at consumerside as well as Distributed Generation (DG) sources, in a 24 hours span,the microgrid is able to maximize its revenue through participating inenergy and reserve market in this model. Here, the effect of real timeelectricity price for consumers is considered as an effective incentivefor controlling energy demands and operation costs of microgrid. Inproposed model, in addition to technical and economic limitations,security constrains of microgrid, the ability of energy transfer to andfrom neighboring microgrids and uncertainties in Renewable EnergySources (RES) and consumers’ demand have also been considered. Thismodel turns out to be a Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming(MINLP) problem which has been solved by DICPT solver in GAMSsoftware. Case studies on a 32 bus distribution test system shows thatby applying the proposed method, in comparison with fixed electricityprice tariff, the distribution company could increase the revenue ofparticipants by modifying the consumption pattern and also operate thedistributed energy sources in distribution network more efficiently
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