نوع فایل :PDF
تعداد صفحات :17
سال انتشار :1395
Haemophilus parasuis is a small, pleomorphic, NAD-dependent member of the family Pasteurellaceae. This bacterium is the etiological agent of Glässer’s disease in swine, which is characterized by polyserositis and arthritis. Once a sporadic disease, it has increased in prevalence and severity in recent years with the adoption of new production technologies which has led to pigs being susceptible to this infection. However, a lack of protective cross-immunity against some strains and partial cross-protection among serotypes has been reported [4,5], pointing to the difficulty in identifying protective immunogens for a universal vaccine. Initial studies have already shown the importance of circulating antibodies in controlling H. parasuis infection. After experimental infection in swine, production of antibodies against outer membrane proteins (OMP) has been described. The production of swine antibodies against specific H. parasuis proteins has been studied and FhuA, OmpA, PalA, Omp2, D15 and HPS06257 have been described as antigenic protein. The objective of this study was to investigate the in silico antigenicity and B cell epitope prediction of hps06257 as a vaccine candidate in Haemophilus parasuis
واژگان کلیدی
Haemophilus parasuis, B cell epitope, immunogens, hps06257
مبلغ قابل پرداخت 6,900 تومان
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