نوع فایل :PDF
تعداد صفحات :6
سال انتشار :1395
In this solar panel design parameters, using the Lambert function has been studied. With this function by using the experimental results, we investigated the effect of shadows And found that there is a shadow on a cell reduces the open circuit voltage and short circuit current increases. Interest and also reduces congestion and increases the saturation current of the first diode and the first diode parallel resistanceAnd the second diode is ideal factor And photo-current generated in the cell and the second diode reduces the saturation current.The results of the two methods shows that our approach is consistent with experimental results solar cells is much closer. Two more parameters than single-diode diode technique could give us the accuracy we raise in the production of solar cells
واژگان کلیدی
shows,Lambert function, CC function, single-diode,Two organic diode,solar panel
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