نوع فایل:PDF
تعداد صفحات :7
سال انتشار : 1394
This paper, introduces a new thermal cell which can emit infrared wavelengths from its surface and it is tuneable and suitable for using in thermal screen. The cell can produce the temperatures between 0 and 100ºC that emit an infrared radiation in the LWIR (8-11 micrometers) region. The cellcomponents made of nanocomposite material and it is shown that the features of the cell %00-00 are higher than the commercial Bi1Te0 component. The technical aspect of the cell such as the emission wavelengths, rate of temperature changing, thermal contrast, ZT factor and so one discussed in thispaper and were determined by using the thermography, non-contact thermometry, radiometry, four probe ac method and temperature differential
واژگان کلیدی
Thermal, cell, infrared, nanocomposite, LWIR
مبلغ قابل پرداخت 6,900 تومان
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