نوع فایل:PDF
تعداد صفحات :17
سال انتشار : 1394
Objective: to evaluate the effect of fish oil supplementation on antenatal and postpartum depression.Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-centre trial. 051 eligible pregnant women aged 01-55 recruited from Feburary 4102 to April 4105 in Tabriz, Iran. Participants randomly assigned to receive either 0111 mg fish oil supplements from 01-41 weeks of gestation to 0month after giving birth or placebo. Subjects completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale at enrollment, 41–51 weeks, 55–57 weeks, and at 51-25 days after birth. Primary outcomes were mean depression score at 55-57 weeks and postpartum period. The statistical analysis was intent-to-treat.Results: A total of 051 women were included, and none was lost to follow up. There were significant differences between groups in depression mean score (adjusted MD = -0.5; [%59 CI -4.5 to -1.15]) as well as positive screening at 55-57 (adjusted OR = 1.25; [%5 % CI 1.44 to 1.12]). The mean score of depression during pregnancy and postpartum significantly decreased within the fish oil group (p<1.15) but it was not significant in the placebo group.Conclusions: it seems that women especially in low to middle income countries may benefit from daily fish oil supplements during pregnancy. Further studies are required to confirm this.
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